25 September 2023

”Raising a Generation of Thriving Children”
- This competition is open to children aged 5-18 years old from any school.
- Participants may record themselves singing a song in English/Khmer/Chinese, within a duration of 3-5 minutes.
- Participants need to submit the video clip of them singing in mp4 format to enquiry@scia.edu.kh with email subject: SCIA Singing Competition_Name_Age (for example: SCIA Singing Competition_Lim Sophea_8 years old)
- Registration and video submission will be closed on Sunday, 28 March 2021 at 11:59pm.
- SCIA reserves the rights to eliminate any video found to be inappropriate or disrespectful.
- Shortlisted videos will be uploaded to SCIA’s YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/c/SCIACambodia) for voting.
- Voting period will be from Monday, 29 March 2021 at 12pm to Saturday, 3 April 2021 1pm.
- Participant with the most number of “Likes” on the YouTube’s video will be the winner.
Registration link: http://bit.ly/SCIASingingCompetition
- Gather your family and take a photograph according to the theme: “Our Pride and Joy”!
- Families may participate in this contest by:
- Posting a family photo to their Facebook account
- Tag SCIA’s Facebook account (https://www.facebook.com/SingaporeCambodiaInternationalAcademy/),
- Use hashtag: #SCIAFamilyFest2021 in the caption.
- Please make sure that you set the post as “public”. Otherwise, the judge will not be able to see the photo
- One family can only be represented by 1 Facebook account. If there is more than one photo representing one family, the committee will choose the photo posted at the earliest time.
- Photo submission will be closed on Saturday, 3 April 2021 at 2pm.
- There will be 4 winners for this competition, which are:
- Most Creative: Most creative photo concept that relates to the theme
- Best Dressed: Most special and coordinated costumes worn by all family members
- Best Caption: Caption that best describes the photo and relate it to the theme
- Top Facebook Favourite: Highest number of likes on the Facebook post
Registration link: http://bit.ly/SCIAFamilyPhotoContest
English : 061 968 049
Khmer (ខ្មែរ) : 061 678 828
Chinese (中文) : 061 777 817
Email : enquiry@scia.edu.kh